To determine when the program ended look for a subsequent event 4689 with the same Process ID. Process ID allows you to correlate other events logged during the same process. One of the examples below shows the SYSTEM account starting RuntimeBroker.exe as a different user. By default, a new process runs under the same account and logon session as the creator process. These fields only apply when the process is started under a different user account. Logon ID allows you to correlate backwards to the logon event (4624) as well as with other events logged during the same logon session.Īdded in Win2016/10.
Account Domain: The domain or - in the case of local accounts - computer name.The user and logon session that started the program. Free Active Directory Change Auditing Solution.Windows Event Collection: Supercharger Free Edtion.Free Security Log Quick Reference Chart.You can correlate this event to other events by Process ID to determine what the program did while it ran and when it exited (event 4689). This process is identified by the Process ID. When you start a program you are creating a 'process' that stays open until the program exits.
Event 4688 documents each program that is executed, who the program ran as and the process that started this process.