Well, with just one small letdown so far: After rebooting the system the IDs of my graphics card (MSI 970) has changed, so I had to edit the skin again (using 'Graphite' from Deviantart as a basis at the moment). Tannhaeuser wrote:YES! This is doing the magic! Already playing around with it - and it works. Ok, we are all on the same page now, here is the skin:
The HWiNFO plugin for Rainmeter that will be installed by this skin is incompatible with earlier versions of HWiNFO, and if you have existing HWiNFO skins you will need to extensively edit them to work with the new app and plugin. This skin requires that you get and run the latest HWiNFO (portable or installed) of version 4.47 or later for your 32bit/64bit architecture from:ĭO NOT INSTALL THIS SKIN IF YOU ARE RUNNING AN EARLIER VERSION OF HWiNFO, or HAVE EXISTING SKINS that use it, and don't want to upgrade to at least 4.47. This image will be of great help as you are setting your options: You will need to use the SharedMemoryViewer.exe that is included in the folder of the skin, to set the HWiNFO measures to reflect YOUR hardware. Here is an example skin you can tear apart to see how to use the plugin.